Master Hypnotist
-SD Hypnosis Clinic
-SD Opera
-Private Practice
San Diego
Del Mar
and world-wide
on Zoom
The score for this dance project was created quite organically, moment by moment,
just as Roger created his experience, and I am thrilled with the result.
An offering to the god of fluid movement that has ruled his life,
Roger Tolle's free form dance represents a response to a dance he performed
at the end of his dance career over 3 decades ago, and to the intervening years of
somatic practice that focuses on movement as a way to agelessness.
Training: 20,000 + hrs
Indiana University of Pennsylvania - Indiana, PA
Music Academy of Zagreb - Croatia
Ali Akbar College of Music - San Rafael, CA
California Jazz Conservatory - Berkeley, CA
Dhrupad Sansthan - Bhopal, India
Sankara Academy of Music and Arts - Chennai, India
Experience: 30+ years
Music is my preferred means of communication, and closest passion to my life’s work. For 30 years, I've diversified my sonic palate studying the music of the:
USA, India, Africa, Persia, Cuba, Brazil, and Hungary.
I have traveled to:
Europe, Japan, and twice to India to immerse in the North and South Indian classical music traditions.
A few of many ensembles I've performed:
Drum and bugle corps
Wedding bands
Kirtan/Devotional music
Yoga classes, retreats, festivals, & sound baths.
I am:
Teaching, composing, recording a hand pan EP, & evolving my approach to looping live percussion.
I offer:
Percussion lessons (Local & Virtual)
Live music for Retreats, Yoga classes, and Sound baths